The Frontier
Constabulary (FC) is a paramilitary police force responsible
for maintaining law and order in Pakistan and dealing with situations out of the capabilities
of Normal Police Force of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It was founded in the British Indian Empire, and in 1913 it was named after the
former North-West
Frontier Province. The current Commandant FC/Inspector General FC is Moazzam Jah
AnsariIntroductionThe Frontier
Constabulary is a federal paramilitary police force of Pakistan which
is largely drawn from the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province, but operates in all the
provinces of Pakistan. The Frontier Constabulary was created by amalgamating
Border Military Police (BMP) and Samana Rifles (SR) in 1913. Both of the forces
were guarding the border between the then settled areas of NWFP and Tribal
areas. Frontier Constabulary’s main function is to police the border of Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa and the Tribal areas against tribal incursions, criminal gangs
operating across the border and to check the smuggling of contraband items.HistoryFrontier
Constabulary was created as an independent Civil Armed Force, under the
provisions of Frontier Constabulary Act, 1915. under this Act, Frontier
Constabulary Rules 1958 were framed. This force is also under the
administrative control of the Ministry of Interior. From an operational point
of view, the functioning of this force is supervised by the Home departments of
the respective provincial governments. The Frontier Constabulary, an armed
police force, also operates in a small area bordering FATA and the settled districts.
The KPK police does not have jurisdiction over FATA’s agencies or the Frontier
Regions. Originally, it was aimed at stopping incursions and raids from the
tribal areas. Now, its original function has been overshadowed by an increasing
involvement in the internal security duties and protection of vital
installation as well as embassies
The Frontier Constabulary is a police force
and is commanded by senior police officers. It is employed on the lines between
the tribal agencies and settled districts. Previously this used to be known as
Border Militia and this is even now known as militia by the common people. They
are liable to home services only and in case of emergency, assist the regular
army in operations.Organizational StructureThe Frontier Constabulary is headed by the Commandant,
the equivalent of Inspector Gen